Objectives –
- Encouraging the youth community to commemorate/celebrate the wesak festival despite being limited to their homes due to the pandemic situation.
- Publicise YAN facebook page across social media and increase the page reach.
YAN Sri Lanka is a youth organization which claimed popularity within a short period and it is not undisclosed that the organization helped the Sri Lankan youth community to reach a whole different avenue. Due to the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic situation, the day to day life activities and freedom was limited of the Sri Lankan youth community. The celebration of vesak festival was hindered due to this situation and ir order to motivate and get to celebrate the vesak festival for the youth community locked inside their residences YAN Sri Lankan proposed the Vesak Lantern festival.
YAN Wesak Lantern competition was organized under the categories of T Most Creative Lantern and Most Popular Lantern, and the competitors were given a timeframe from 9am 7th May 2020 to 10pm 9th May 2020 via submitting images of their creations.
The most creative lantern was chosen by a panel of impartial judges, and the most popular lantern was chosen based on like, comments and shares received via social media.
Each category had five winners and they were rewarded data packages as follows.,
- First Place : 50 GB
- Second Place : 30 GB
- Third Place : 20 GB
- Fourth Place : 10 GB
- Fifth Place : 05 GB
The winners were announced on 14th May 2020, and the winners of the most creative category are in order as Kavindu Teran, Pramitha Kumudumali, Buddhika Madushanka, Madhuka N. Gurusinghe, D. M. K. B. Dissanayake, and the winners of the most popular category are in order as Kumudu Radampala, Ashan Madhushanka, Sasith Randika, Dinesha Sewwandi and Chamindu Janith.
- Youth community celebrating the wesak festival while being at home.
- With the publicity gained for the YAN Sri Lanka across social media a good turnover was recorded subjected to the rules and regulation with 75 entries for the most popular category and 41 entries for the most creative category.
- Youth community significantly involved in social media during the pandemic period and YAN Sri Lanka page achieved the following stats during the period of the competition
- Page Likes – 1865
- Reach – 92,053
- Post Engagements – 30,819
-Madushani Nisansala-