YAN Sri Lanka

The Ocean: Life& Livelihood

The Ocean: Life& Livelihood

“As the lungs of our planet and its largest carbon sink, the OCEANS play a vital role in regulating the global climate”

Today, sea levels are rising due to climate change. Threatening lives and livelihoods in low-lying nations and coastal cities and communities around the world. The oceans are becoming more acidic, putting marine biodiversity and essential food chains in jeopardy. In the words “the lungs of our planet” are unhealthy. In this situation, Let’s see about “International World Oceans Day”. The concept for this was originally proposed in 1992 by Canada’s International Center for Ocean Development (CICOD) at the “Earth Summit”. “World Oceans Day” was officially organized by the United Nations in 2008.The International World Oceans Day takes place annually On 8th of June. In 2021 the aim for this year campaign is to “Shed light on the wonder of the ocean and how it is our life source, supporting humanity and every other organism on earth”.

Why we should protect the oceans? Why is this ocean important to us?

Oceans produce more oxygen than the abalone. Rainforests are the primary source of oxygen. They are only responsible for 28% at the oxygen on earth. But oceans are responsible 70% of the oxygen. Every ten breaths human take seven come from the ocean produce oxygen by phytoplankton. They absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Oceans covers approximately 71% of the earth surface. But every year 8 million metric tons of plastics enters the oceans. This equates to a garbage truck full of plastic being dumped in to the ocean every minute. If the trend is not upended that the number could increase to four dump trucks of plastic entering the ocean every minute.

The Major countries polluting the oceans as follows.

China and Indonesia are the main countries and the main source of plastic pollution for single use. A Vietnamese mangroves draped with polythene, a whale killed after swallowing waste bags in Thai seas and clouds of underwater trash near Indonesian “Paradise” Island. The most polluted ocean is the Pacific Ocean. With 2 trillion plastic pieces and one third of the plastic found in this ocean.

As a human being on the Earth we breath and we live in this world because of this Ocean. So we have a huge responsibility to protect these oceans. If we protect these oceans, the ocean will protect us too. As Sir “Arthur C Clark” said “How inappropriate to call planet Earth, when it is clearly an Ocean”

P.G. Nethri AkushlapEID al- ADHA (HAJJI)

‘Eid al-Adha the festival of the sacrifice is the later of the two official holidays celebrated within Islam. It honors the willingness of “Abraham” to sacrifice his son “Ishmael” as an act of obedience to god’s command. Before “Ibrahim” could sacrifice instead. In commemoration of this intervention and animals are sacrificed ritually. One third of their meat is distributed to the poor needy. Sweets and gifts are given and extended family are typically visited and welcomed.

The tradition for Eid al-Adha involves slaughtering an animal and sharing the meat in three equal parts for family, for relatives and friends and poor people. The goal is to make sure every Muslim gets to eat meat. The celebration has a clear message of devotion “Kindness and Equality”. However, the purpose of sacrifice in Eid al-Adha is not about shedding of blood just to satisfy “Allah”. It is about sacrificing something devotees love the most to advance the message of Eid al-Adha. In other words, the sacrifice can be something other than an animal such as money or time spent on community service. There are historical precedence’s pf caliphs sacrificing items other than meat. After all the animal sacrifice is only a “Sunnah” which is habitual rather than required. The “Quran” said that “The meat will not reach Allah nor will the blood, but what reaches him is devotion of devotees”.

At the conclusion of the prayers and sermon Muslims embrace and exchange greetings with one another and give gifts and visit one another. Many Muslims also take this opportunity to invite their friends, neighbors and co-workers and classmates to their Eid al-Adha festivities to better acquaint them about Islam and Muslim Culture.

Nethri Akushla

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